If you are in need of legal assistance simply call 1-800-244-0661 and an operator will confirm your Union membership. If the lawyer referral is for a family member, the individual will need to provide the name and social security number for the Local 769 member of their family. Once Union membership is confirmed, a referral will be made to a qualified attorney practicing in the aforementioned areas based on the type of legal matter involved and the location of your residence. There are 41 attorneys throughout the State of Arizona who have agreed to provide you with a free initial telephonic consultation and discounted legal fees. In the areas of personal injury and worker's compensation there are lawyers available who are recognized as certified specialists by the State Bar of Arizona. This is a designation provided to less than 2% of the lawyers within the State. All of the lawyers within this program are in good standing with the Arizona State Bar and have provided proof of legal malpractice insurance. The Lawyer Referral program has been established at no cost to you or the union. It is available to active as well as retired members no matter where they reside within the State of Arizona.
Local 769's Lawyer Referral was established in early 1996. Since this time, the program has assisted more than 120 members of Local 769 and/ or members of their families faced with various legal dilemmas. The majority of members utilizing the program received quick answers to their questions by speaking directly over the telephone with one of the participating attorneys. Those individuals who retained a participating attorney, obtained legal representation from a competent attorney and paid fees at a discounted rate. Considering what attorneys practicing in the above-referenced areas typically charge, all the members using the program have realized a measurable savings.
The Lawyer Referral program is a direct benefit to Local 769 members and members of their families. As part of your membership, you should have received your Lawyer Referral card which outlines the program and provides you with the 1-800 telephone number. If you have not received your card or you are in need of legal services, simply call 1-800-244-0661. It does not cost anything to speak directly with one of the participating attorneys. If you or a member of your family is faced with a legal dilemma or question, I encourage you to utilize this benefit.